Eckhart et al. v. Orsini Pharmaceutical Services, LLC

State of Illinois in the Circuit Court of the 19th Judicial Circuit, Lake County
Case No. 2024LA00000930

Welcome to the Settlement Website for the
Orsini Pharmaceutical Services Data Incident Settlement

  • A proposed Settlement has been reached with Orsini Pharmaceutical Services, LLC (“Orsini’) relating to the data incident Orsini learned of on or about January 10, 2024 (the “Data Incident”).

  • The Court in charge of this case has granted preliminary approval of the Settlement but has yet decided whether to grant final approval of the Settlement. No Settlement benefits or payments will be provided unless the Court final approval of the Settlement and the Settlement becomes final.

  • These rights and options—and the deadlines to exercise them—are explained in the Notice. If you are a Settlement Class Member, your legal rights will be affected whether or not you take action. Please read the entire Notice carefully.

If you are a member of the Settlement Class, you have the following options:

Your Legal Rights and Options in This Settlement

Submit a Claim Form by May 1, 2025

You must submit a valid claim form to receive credit-monitoring services from the Settlement and reimbursement for unreimbursed expenses.

Submitting a Claim Form is the only way that you can receive any of the benefits provided by this Settlement, including credit monitoring, reimbursement of losses or out-of-pocket costs, and money for time spent addressing issues fairly traceable to the Data Incident.

If you submit a Claim Form, you will give up the right to sue the Defendant and certain related parties in any separate lawsuit about the legal claims this Settlement resolves.

Do Nothing

If you do nothing, you will receive no benefits from the Settlement and will give up your right to sue the Released Parties, including Orsini over the claims resolved in the Settlement.

Exclude Yourself from the Settlement by April 1, 2025

This is the only option that allows you to sue, continue to sue, or be part of another lawsuit against the Defendant, or certain related parties, for the claims this Settlement resolves.

If you exclude yourself, you will give up the right to receive any benefits from this Settlement.

Object to the Settlement by April 1, 2025

Write to the Court about why you do not like the Settlement. You must remain in the Settlement Class to object to the Settlement.

You may object to the Settlement by filing a statement with the Court informing it why you do not think the Settlement should be approved and mailing a copy of the statement to the Class Counsel and Defendant’s counsel.

If you object, you may also submit a Claim Form to receive Settlement benefits, and you will give up the right to sue the Defendant in a separate lawsuit about the legal claims this Settlement resolves.

Attend the Final Fairness Hearing on April 30, 2025

You may attend the Final Fairness Hearing where the Court may hear arguments concerning the approval of the Settlement. You are not required to attend the Final Fairness Hearing.

Upcoming Important Dates

Notification Mailing


Opt Out Deadline


Objection Deadline


Final Approval Hearing


Claim Deadline
